Your Doctor's Secret Weapon: Good Equipment

Your Doctor's Secret Weapon: Good Equipment

4 Reasons Why You Should Manage Pain With Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is a simulated experience that can be used to create different environments and scenarios. It has been used in a variety of settings, such as education, entertainment, and business. VR can also be used for pain management. This is done by providing a distraction from the pain and providing a sense of control. There are many different types of pain, suc

3 Things To Look For In A Buy-At-Home Water Break Detection Test

You can't always immediately know if your water breaks. Sometimes, pregnant women have urine leaks that they think are amniotic fluid. They'll waste time going to the hospital only to be sent home again. However, sometimes, women assume that an amniotic fluid leak is actually urine. They might not get the problem checked. Or, if they do, the leak might be so tiny that

Why Your Hospital Might Want To Upgrade Or Switch To An OEC C-Arms System

An OEC C-Arm system can be used to take a digital image of someone's body either before or during a surgery or operation. If your hospital has not upgraded its C-Arms in some time or is still operating without access to one, reaching out to a vendor who can help you buy an OEC C-Arms system is a good idea that will benefit your hospital and your patients. Here's how u

Making Your Home More Wheelchair Accessible With Folding Ramps

If you have a condition that limits your mobility, a wheelchair can be an essential tool. Unfortunately, there are many areas of your home that may not be designed for use with a wheelchair. In these situations, a possible solution may be to use a folding wheelchair ramp as this can offer some unique benefits when compared to other solutions. Avoid The Need For Major

Situations When Cloud Computing Support Is Needed For Medical Supplies Companies

If your medical supplies company is going forward with cloud computing software implementation to have assistance with one or several business categories, know that cloud computing software support is available. Here are a few services that are pretty standard with this type of software that will help you sort out important things.  Staff Training You may have su